Open source visual editor with usability    extendability

Visual editing

DM Editor is a block based visual editor with great editorial experience.

Block based

Means that all types of page elements can be in the edit tool, positioned precisely.

Editing is viewing

Same experience in editing as in result view, even for clicking tab in tabs widget.

Widgets for multi-purpose

For rich text, pre-styled section, contact form and they are growing. Create your own now.

Beyond web page

Editing page in your own solution, CMS, poster desgin, form design, or newsletter? DM Editor can be used in many use cases where it needs visual editing.

Build your widgets

Think of React component with customization capacity by the editor - that will bring great editing experience.

Building a widget is easily like building a React component.  There are existing widgets and utilities tools like rich text, tabs which can be embeded into new widget.

Open source

We use GPL license, which gives freedom to use DM Editor in project and also to share widgets.

In addition, our Plus subscription service gives more value and service.